Thursday 15 February 2018

Waiting for the story ......

Now I know there is a story behind this picture because I have been promised one.

We are on Oldham Street outside the Manchester Coffee Company last week, and something is stirring inside.

The photograph is another from the camera of Andy Robertson who maintains an excellent vigil on all things happening across the Twin Cities.

And last Saturday he took himself off across the Northern Quarter recording the changes to the area.

As everyone who reads the blog knows, Andy’s pictures are a fine record of what we have lost, what we might soon lose and what we have gained.

In years to come they will stand beside those photographers of the past who we all plunder to get a picture of Manchester and Salford as it was.

So for now, here is the picture and the rest as they say is on the way.

But for those who ask where the history is, number 33 Oldham Street was in 1911 occupied by "Craston & Son Hosiers".

Location; Manchester

Picture; Oldham Street, 2018, from the collection of Andy Robertson

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