Sunday 8 January 2012

Sometime in Chorlton before the old Queen's Jubilee

I have many favourite photographs of Chorlton, but this ranks up there as one of the all time five. The quality is poor, and the date uncertain but it takes me back to the Chorlton of the first half of the 19th century. The iconic Lych Gate which appears in every image of Chorlton Green is missing and reminds me that it was only erected for the Golden Jubilee of the late Queen.
So my picture takes us back to a time before that, and so would have been familiar to the people of the township during most of the 19th century and before. This was the time when we were still a rural community and which I have recreated in Chorlton cum Hardy, A Community Transformed,
To the east of the church is the old Bowling Green Hotel which dated from the late 18th century and which is partially hidden by the barn of one of the farms that faced the green.

Picture; from the collection of Tony Walker

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